BrightSign Network Web API Reference Manual v.3.8 User Manual
Page 117

[int] groupId: The identifier of the Group instance to modify. If the Group [int] Id does not correspond to
an existing Group instance, the method will immediately return False without an error.
[ScheduledPresentation[]] entities: A list of ScheduledPresentation instances, each containing an
initialized Presentation
[int] Id and/or Presentation [string] Name. Each instance should also contain Start
Time, Duration, Is Recurrent, Event Date, Recurrence Start Date, Recurrence End Date, and Days of Week
properties. All other properties will be ignored. If this parameter is set to Null or is passed an empty list, the method
will delete all existing ScheduledPresentation entities associated with the specified Group instance. A descriptive
error will be returned if any of the following conditions occur:
o The specified Presentation [int] Id or Presentation [string] Name does not correspond to an existing
o The [TimeSpan] StartTime value of the ScheduledPresentation entity-relation is less than “00:00:00” or
greater than “24:00:00”.
o The [TimeSpan] Duration value of the ScheduledPresentation entity-relation is less than “00:00:00” or
greater than “24:00:00” minus the
[TimeSpan] StartTime.
o A recurrent schedule does not have Start Time, Duration, or Days of Week values.
o A recurrent schedule contains a Recurrence Start Date value but not a Recurrence End Date value, or vice-
o A specified Recurrence Start Date value is greater than the Recurrence End Date value.
o A non-recurrent schedule does not have Event Date, Start Time, or Duration values.
o The specified ScheduledPresentation instances conflict with each other.
bool RemoveScheduledPresentation(int scheduledPresentationId)
Deletes the specified
instance and updates related service files in the storage. This method
returns True only if completely successful. Otherwise, it will return False.