Description of calibration sequence, Description of calibration sequence -2 – Datalogic Scanning MAGELLAN 8500 User Manual
Page 90
8500 Scanner
Description of Calibration Sequence
The Calibration Sequence sets the scale to an accurate reference point for
weighing. This process involves the use of a Field Standard Weight Set
(31.5-pounds) for calibration in pounds, (18.5-kilograms) for Metric.
Once calibration has been successfully completed, the scanner/scale uses
the certified weight as a reference for subsequent weighing activities.
These verification procedures follow the U.S. National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology 44 Handbook guidelines for bench/counter scale
If any of these tests fail to meet the required weight indications, you must
calibrate the scanner/scale. Refer to the calibration procedures in this sec-
tion for the proper procedures.
You may be required by state and/or local regulations to have procedures
other than these performed by a certified technician or verification offi-
Access to the calibration switch should be restricted with a paper or a wire
and lead seal after the calibration has been performed if required by your
local regulatory agency.
The following tools and supplies will be required to perform the calibra-
tion process:
31.5 pound Field Standard Weight Set
(English calibration only).
18.5 kilogram Field Standard Weight Set
(Metric calibration only).
Lead/Wire or Paper Seal (as required by law).
The Calibration Sequence must be performed without removing the scanner/
scale from its installed position.
1. NOTE: Throughout the calibration procedures, specified weights may be achieved by using a com-
bination of weights from this set. eg. 20 lbs may be made up of one 10.00 lb. weight and two 5.00
lb. weights.
2. NOTE: Throughout the calibration procedures, specific weights may be achieved by using a com-
bination of weights from this set. eg. 10 kgs. may be made up of one 5.00 kg. and five 1.00 kg.