Avery Dennison 9850 Addendum Version 3.0 User Manual

Page 10

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C h e c k i n g f o r A v a i l a b l e F l a s h M e m o r y

If you receive errors when downloading a script, make sure you have enough flash
memory available for the script.

When you format flash memory, the script and any

downloaded TrueType

fonts saved in the printer’s flash

memory are deleted and must be resent to the printer.


From the Setup Menu, press l or r until you see

l Flash Memory


Press Enter/Pause. Press l or r until you see

l Unused Flash


Press Enter/Pause. You may see

Unused Flash

This is the number (in bytes) of the available flash memory.

P r o g r a m m i n g N o t e s

Here are some suggestions for the person writing your script.

If you want to use status polling or immediate commands, include the
configuration packet (I Packet) inside the script. See “Using Status Polling and
Immediate Commands” for more information.

In general, the PARSE command will out perform (speed to label out) the PRINT
command. If you have the option of using either command (PARSE or PRINT),
PARSE is the better option.

Avoid using the PARSE command to send individual characters; use the
CONCAT command to append data into the SCRATCH buffer. Then send all the
data at once using the PARSE command.