Avery Dennison Monarch 6017 Programmer Manual User Manual

Page 26

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4-2 Modifying Resident Fonts

D e f i n i n g N e w C h a r a c t e r s

You must define each new character separately, performing the following
procedure for each one.


Define the character in a matrix. The matrix size depends on the font
you use (see “Font Sizes”). Think of the matrix as a bitmap showing
the character’s design. Following is an example.

L e f t B y t e R i g h t B y t e

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Leave at least one column blank to the character’s right

so character strings do not run together.


Translate each line into two bit sequences (left byte/right byte), where
an empty square is 0, and a filled-in square is a 1. For example, the
second line from the top is 00000000 01000000.


Convert each bit sequence into two hex characters. For example, the
second line from the top is 00 40.

The Next Step

You have now defined the new character you want to create. The next step
is to select the character set to load it in.