Avery Dennison Monarch 9855 RFMP Quick Reference User Manual
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C o n n e c t i n g t h e C a b l e s
The power supply automatically switches between 115V or
230V. There are no operator settings required.
Review the safety information in the Regulatory
Compliance document included with your printer.
Plug the power cable into the socket. Plug the other
end of the cable into a grounded electrical outlet.
Connect the communication cable into the appropriate
port. Secure the cable with the connecting screws
(serial) or spring clips (parallel).
If you are communicating with the host through the
serial port, make sure the printer's communication
values match those at the host. The factory default
values are 9600 Baud, 8 bit data frame, 1 stop bit, no
parity, and DTR flow control (9600, N, 8, 1, DTR). Set
the communication values on the printer to match
those at the host.
The printer also has a USB (Universal Serial Bus)
version 2.0 communications port, which is compatible
with version 1.1. Drivers are available on our Web site
for a variety of operating systems.
Turn on the printer. Press ( I ) to turn on and ( O ) to
turn off the printer.
P ar a ll el P o r t
U S B P or t
S er i al P or t
P ow er C a bl e
G o e s He re
P ow er Sw it c h