ARRIS TG1672G-NA Web GUI User Guide User Manual
Page 50
Touchstone 16xx Gateway Router Setup – Web GUI User’s Guide
Page 50 of 96 November 2013
Domain Name – This field displays the domain name.
DNS Override:
Enable DNS Override – Click this checkbox to enable DNS Override and replace the DNS server
addresses provided by your service provider.
Primary DNS Server IP – Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server. Your ISP will provide
this information.
Secondary DNS Server IP – Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server. Your ISP will
provide this information.
Tertiary DNS Server IP – Enter the IP address of the tertiary DNS server. Your ISP will provide
this information.
DNS Relay:
Enable DNS Relay – Click this checkbox to enable DNS Relay and mask the DNS address.
Click this checkbox to enable Domain Name System (DNS) relay functionality on your system.
The DNS Relay feature allows the system to act as a DNS server to other IP stations, while it
simply forwards the requests to real DNS servers and then sends their responses back to the
original requesters. Your gateway basically acts as an intermediate between the requester and
the real DNS servers. When DNS Relay is enabled, the gateway will act as a DNS server, send
requests to the Internet Service Provider's DNS server, and cache the information for later
access. When DNS relay is disabled, the computer will pull domain name/IP address information
directly from the ISP's DNS server.
NAT Mode – Select the NAT Mode. Bridged - Data will pass through the device directly without
any routing. Routed with NAT - Data will be routed by the device and all the outgoing packets
will be NATed. Routed without NAT - Data will be routed by the device but all the outgoing
packets will not be NATed.
Enable UPnP – Click this checkbox to enable UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) on the system.