Dukane 403-570-01 User Manual

Page 82

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Dual Servo Spin Welder User’s Manual

Dukane Manual Part No. 403-570-01

Page 7




Possible Solution


Activate both RUN
SWITCHES to reset

Resetting of machine at
startup or recovery requires
the activation of both optical
switches on base .



Activate both RUN
SWITCHES to reset
machine after all motion

Resetting of machine at
startup or recovery must be
initiated when the spin tool
and press are stationary .




Axis move aborted

Expected servo move was
not completed

Internal machine error

1 .

Check for obstructions to motion
outside welder

2 .

Contact DUKANE service

Home index edge not

Spin or vertical servo motor
internal index pulse(s) not

Internal machine error

Contact DUKANE service

Improper servo operation

Servo controller error

Internal machine error

Contact DUKANE service

Jog thrust limit exceeded
OR vertical servo runaway

Press thrust (force) was
exceeded during jogging
operations OR servo
system entered runaway

1 .

Press is jogged in a way to
produce a force on the parts
larger than allowed in jog
mode (most common cause)

2 .

Servo system feedback is

1 .

Prevent press from applying a large
force on the parts in jog mode

2 .

Contact DUKANE service

Operator E-Stop

E-stop activated

Operator pressed E-stop switch

Reset E-stop switch then reset machine

Part pickup not detected

Sensor for upper tool
vacuum not activated when

1 .

No part present to pick up

2 .

Loss of vacuum between part
and tool

1 .

Ensure part is present for pickup

2 .

Check vacuum between part and tool
(line connections, vacuum generator,
tool wear)

Part presence not detected

Part presence sensor did
not detect part

1 .

Part not present

2 .

Problem with sensor

1 .

Ensure part is present

2 .

Troubleshoot sensing components

released too soon

Optical switches on base
were de-activated during
weld cycle

Switches were released after weld
cycle started but before the spin
motor stopped

Once weld cycle is started, ensure switches
remain activated until spin motor stops (i .e .
at beginning of hold phase)

Servo CPU no Idle before

Motor controller error

Internal machine error

Contact DUKANE service

Servo CPU program error

Motor controller error

Internal machine error

Contact DUKANE service

Servo database import

Servo tuning database
import failed

1 .

Import procedure problem

2 .

Cable problem

3 .

Machine component failure

1 .

Contact DUKANE for import

2 .

Check that the correct cable is used
and that it is securely connected

3 .

Contact DUKANE service

Servo param select by
inertia failed

Servo tuning data not
found for the tooling inertia

1 .

Tooling inertia entered is
outside allowable range

2 .

Servo tuning database is

1 .

Enter tooling inertia within limits stated
in this manual

2 .

Contact DUKANE regarding importing
servo tuning database

Slide In timeout

Slide did not move to the
commanded position within
the allowable time

1 .

Air pressure to slide too low

2 .

Slide limit switch improperly

3 .

Slide jammed

1 .

Increase air pressure

2 .

Adjust slide switch position

3 .

Ensure slide can move freely

Slide Out timeout

see Slide In timeout fault

Spin aborted

Weld cycle was aborted

Internal machine error

Contact DUKANE service

Spin at travel limit

Number of servo motor
rotations has exceeded
controller counting

Weld time or number of rotations
too large

Reduce weld time, distance, or number of

Table 9-II

Machine Display Messages