Vectronics SWR-584B User Manual
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SWR-584B Instruction Manual
HF/VHF SWR Analyzer
The “FREQUENCY COUNTER INPUT” connector (BNC type) is for use as a frequency counter only. It is
described in section 4.x.
Note: The following is a description of the opening or default menu used by the SWR-584B. This unit
also has an advanced user section in section 4.0.
3.2 Power-up
After turning on the "POWER" switch, or after applying external power with the “POWER” switch on, a
sequence of messages appears on the display.
The first message is a program version, this "VER" number indicates the software version.
The second message is the software copyright date.
Note: Holding the “mode” button in continuously before applying power or turning the “POWER”
switch on, and continuing to hold the “MODE” button down until the copyright message
appears, causes a "POWER SAVING OFF" message to appear just as the “MODE” button is
released. This message appears just before the voltage check. This message confirms the
battery saving “sleep mode” has been disabled.
The third message is a voltage check. It displays the operating voltage, indicating battery charge or external
power supply voltage.
The final power-up display is the “working” display described in 3.2 (Impedance R&X) below.
Two panel meters indicate SWR and Impedance of loads connected to the “ANTENNA” port.
If you press the “MODE” button, the mode changes. After releasing the “MODE” button, the display will show
the proper data for the new mode. The five main (or opening) menu modes are described below.
Main MODE descriptions
If the “MODE” button is momentarily pressed during normal main (or opening) mode operation, the SWR-584B
changes display modes. When the mode first switches, the measurement mode comes up on the screen for a few
seconds. The five display modes are described below:
Impedance R&X is the initial power-up mode. In this mode, the SWR-584B LCD (liquid crystal display, with
numbers and letters) shows frequency in MHz, SWR, the resistive part of load impedance (R=), and the reactive
part of load impedance (X=). The IMPEDANCE meter displays the complex impedance (Z in ohms), and the
SWR meter displays SWR.