Vectronics SWR-584B User Manual
Page 10

SWR-584B Instruction Manual
HF/VHF SWR Analyzer
Advanced antenna measurement modes are available and described in section 5.0, but unless you fully
understand them we suggest you avoid them. Most advanced features are different ways of displaying the same
basic information given in the main or opening mode menu.
Antenna hints:
Display readings are the SWR, impedance and resonant frequency of the antenna system at the point in the
system the SWR-584B is connected. The impedance and resonant frequency (frequency where reactance crosses
zero) at the point where this unit is connected might not be the resonant frequency of the antenna itself.
This unit (or any other impedance measuring device) displays the antenna’s impedance, 50 ohm SWR, and
resonant frequency as modified by transmission line “transformer” actions of the feedline and other components
between the antenna and the SWR-584B. If the line is 50 ohms, this unit will always display the antenna’s true
SWR, with the exception of a slight reduction in SWR with longer or more lossy feedlines.
1.) RESONANT FREQUENCY is where reactance is zero ohms, or in some cases as close to zero ohms as the
SWR-584B indicates. Since resistance has nothing to do with resonance, the resonant frequency is NOT
always at the point of lowest indicated SWR (although they certainly can be the same). The most desirable
load is almost always the load with lowest SWR, even though it may not necessarily be the point of no
reactance (resonance).
2.) An IMPEDANCE of 50 ohms can be composed both resistive and reactive components. If the impedance is
50 ohms, but the SWR is not 1.0 to 1, the likely cause is reactance makes up part or all of the impedance.
Contrary to popular (but very incorrect) misconceptions, it is impossible to obtain a perfect 1 : 1 SWR when
the load is reactive, even if the complex impedance is 50 ohms.
A good example is a 50 ohm nearly pure reactance load. The SWR-584B LCD will indicate R=0 X=50, while the
impedance meter reads 50 ohms. The SWR would overflow (SWR>25), since the reactive 50 ohm impedance
load absorbs almost no power from the source and has a nearly infinite SWR.
3.) Even if a perfect transmission line is cut to an exact electrical half-wave (or a multiple thereof ) it is a true
half-wave multiple only on one frequency in that band. On a slightly different frequency the line will not
represent the true feedpoint impedance of the antenna. The line is only “impedance transparent” when
lossless and when an exact multiple of 1/2 wl. The longer the transmission line in wavelengths, the “more
length critical” it becomes and the less accurate measurements become.
4.) If the feedline is not an exact multiple of 1/4 wl, the resonant frequency of the antenna might be shifted higher
or lower by the transmission line. A mismatched non-quarter wave multiple feedline adds reactance that can
cancel antenna reactance at frequencies where the antenna is not resonant.
Multiple antenna and feedline combination resonances commonly occur with dipoles, where reactance
crosses zero (indicating resonance) at some frequency other than the antenna’s actual resonant frequency.
This is a normal effect.
5.) If the line is a 50 ohm line, has no radiation or parallel currents, and if the line has minimal loss, moving the
analyzer to another point on the line will NOT change SWR reading. Impedance and resonant frequency
might change from line transformation effects, but the SWR will not change.