Vectronics VEC-202 User Manual
Vectronics TV Accessories

VEC-202 Instruction Manual
Mini Keyer with Memory
The VEC-202 Mini Keyer with Memory is a microprocessor controlled keyer
that provides iambic key operation and dot-and-dash memory to make sending
perfect code easier. It has tunable code speed, code weight, and sidetone
frequency; it supports both direct and grid-block keying outputs. You also get to
choose between Iambic Type "A" and Type "B" keying. It even has a volatile
memory to record and play a message of your choice.
Control Functions
1. The
Power button turns the unit ON and OFF. The power is ON when the
button is locked in the "in" position and OFF in the "out" position.
2. The
Semi-Auto/Auto allows semi-automatic "bug" and manual operations.
The keyer generates dots automatically when a squeeze or single lever key is
used. Dashes are manually made. The keyer is completely manual when a
straight key is used. Semi-Auto is active when the switch is locked in the
"in" position and Auto is active in the "out" position.
3. The
Message button lets you record and play a message from the volatile
memory. It is a momentary push-buttom that is time sensitive.
4. The
Speed control varies code speed from 2 to 65 WPM. Turn the control
clockwise to increase speed and counter-clockwise to decrease speed.
5. The
Volume control adjusts the sidetone level of the internal speaker. Turn
the control clockwise to increase the volume and counter-clockwise to
decrease the volume.
6. The Weight control varies the code weight. This control is located
internally. When looking at the unit's front panel, it is accessible through
the small hole on the left side, closest to the rear and may be adjusted by
inserting a small, flat-headed screwdriver. The standard dot-dash-space ratio
is 1:3:1 (trimpot at mid-range). This control is turned clockwise to increase
dot and dash lengths and counter-clockwise to decrease dot and dash
lengths. With the standard timing defined as 100% weight, the code weight
varies in the range of approximately 10% to 190%.
7. The
Tone control sets the desired sidetone pitch from approximately 200 to
1000 Hz. This control is also located internally. When looking at the unit's
front panel, it is accessible through the small hole on the left side, closest to