3 wire’s connection – Thor V3 Decoder - ASI, IP, RF - Closed Captions User Manual
Page 9
2.2.3 Grounding Requirement
It is important to keep this device grounded to ensure all of the modules function
correctly. Correctly grounding the device will also help prevent and electrical
interference, lightening, ETC. Also it helps reject minor interference that may disrupt
the devices ability to function smoothly. General rule of thumb, make sure the device is
grounded when installing anywhere.
Always use copper wire. When applied correctly the ground must be wrapped well to
ensure maximum conduction so it can reduce any high fr
ground wire should also be as short and thick as possible.
Installer must make sure that the two ends of the ground are well conducted and have
appropriate anti-rust properties.
It is prohibited to use any other device as part of
The area of the conduction between grounding wire and device’s frame should be no
less than 25mm
2.2.4 Frame Grounding
All the machine frames should be connected with protective copper strip. The grounding
wire should be as short as possible and avoid circling. The area of the conduction between
grounding wire and grounding strip should be no less than 25mm
2.2.5 Device Grounding
Connecting the device’s grounding rod to frame’s grounding pole with copper wire.
2.3 Wire’s Connection
The grounding wire conductive screw is located on the right side
power switch, fuse, power supply socket is just beside
switch is on the left ,power supply socket is on the right and
Connecting Power Cord
2.2.3 Grounding Requirement
It is important to keep this device grounded to ensure all of the modules function
correctly. Correctly grounding the device will also help prevent and electrical
interference, lightening, ETC. Also it helps reject minor interference that may disrupt
evices ability to function smoothly. General rule of thumb, make sure the device is
grounded when installing anywhere.
Always use copper wire. When applied correctly the ground must be wrapped well to
ensure maximum conduction so it can reduce any high frequencies. The copper
ground wire should also be as short and thick as possible..
Installer must make sure that the two ends of the ground are well conducted and have
rust properties. .
It is prohibited to use any other device as part of grounding electric circuit
The area of the conduction between grounding wire and device’s frame should be no
All the machine frames should be connected with protective copper strip. The grounding
rt as possible and avoid circling. The area of the conduction between
grounding wire and grounding strip should be no less than 25mm
Connecting the device’s grounding rod to frame’s grounding pole with copper wire.
e conductive screw is located on the right side of the rear panel, and the
er supply socket is just beside, whose order goes like this;
switch is on the left ,power supply socket is on the right and the fuse is between them.
IRD-V3 User Manual
It is important to keep this device grounded to ensure all of the modules function
correctly. Correctly grounding the device will also help prevent and electrical
interference, lightening, ETC. Also it helps reject minor interference that may disrupt
evices ability to function smoothly. General rule of thumb, make sure the device is
Always use copper wire. When applied correctly the ground must be wrapped well to
equencies. The copper
Installer must make sure that the two ends of the ground are well conducted and have
The area of the conduction between grounding wire and device’s frame should be no
All the machine frames should be connected with protective copper strip. The grounding
rt as possible and avoid circling. The area of the conduction between
Connecting the device’s grounding rod to frame’s grounding pole with copper wire.
rear panel, and the
whose order goes like this; power
the fuse is between them.