Integrate google analytics – TelVue CloudCast User Manual
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User Manual / v. 4.1.0 / June 2014
© 2014 TelVue Corporation 16000 Horizon Way, Suite 500, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
is a trademark of TelVue Corporation 800-885-8886 /
Editing Banner Ad Information on the CMS:
To change information about a banner ad, such as the associated link or to upload an updated version,
go to Banner Ad Management and click the Edit icon. Change the banner information and click the
Save button.
Changing the Order of Banner Ads:
Enabled banner ads play on the TelVue® CloudCast™ Player in the same order as they are listed on
the CMS. To change the playing order of the banner ads, click and drag them to another place in the
list. Specifically, click on the banner ad you want to move, hold the mouse button down, and drag the
mouse until the banner ad is in its new position in the list.
Enabling and Disabling Banner Ads:
If you want to remove a banner ad temporarily from the TelVue® CloudCast™ Player, you can disable
it. In the Enabled column, turn off the checkbox for that banner ad. When you want to play the banner
ad again, you can return to the Banner Ads screen and click the Enabled checkbox.
Deleting a Banner Ad from the CMS:
Users with user-level privileges are limited to 50 banner ads on the CMS at a time. Users with admin-
level privileges may create an unlimited number of banner ads. You might want to delete the banner
ad from the CMS. Go to the Banner Ad Management screen, click the banner’s Delete icon, and
confirm the deletion.
Integrate Google Analytics
Last updated 7/22/13
Version 4 of the CloudCast Video Player supports the ability to capture analytics data from your
viewers using
Google Analytics
, a popular and free analytics platform. Google Analytics is typically
used to track website visitors, but can now be used to track many different applications. This guide
will help you set up a new account with Google Analytics and add tracking to your CloudCast player.
Benefits of Google Analytics tracking:
• Easily view the number of video plays, and average time spent watching your videos
• View detailed demographic information from your visitors, including general location, type of
browser used, and more
• Backed by the full power of Google Analytics to create detailed reporting and customized
• Track plays from virtually anywhere – including your normal web player, Facebook embeds, and
Roku application
Let’s get started!
Creating a Google Analytics Account:
There are two types of Google Analytics accounts. The traditional older type is called “Classic
Analytics”. This is primarily used for tracking website traffic only. The other type is called “Universal
Analytics”. This type allows tracking of all sorts of applications on different platforms, in addition to
You will need to create a new account that uses Universal Analytics.
If you haven’t done so already,
create a new account with Google
. If you already use Gmail or another
Google service, you already have an account and can re-use that if you wish. Once an account with
google is made, you can create a Google Analytics account to use for CloudCast. When signing up for
a new analytics account, you’ll be asked to choose between Universal Analytics and Classic Analytics.