TelVue CloudCast User Manual
Page 21

User Manual / v. 4.1.0 / June 2014
© 2014 TelVue Corporation 16000 Horizon Way, Suite 500, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
is a trademark of TelVue Corporation 800-885-8886 /
My Playlists – Manage Items:
To add, delete, or re-order items from a playlist, select the playlist from the drop-down list and click
the Manage Items button. The Manage Playlist Items screen is displayed. Use the Search features to
find the files you want in your playlist so they are displayed on the left.
Drag and drop image icons from the Search Results column on the left of the screen to the playlist
area. To change the order of items in the playlist, drag the item’s icon to the place where you want it
or change its number in the box to the right of the icon. To delete an item from the playlist, click its
trash icon . When you have finished, click the Save Changes button. Click on Content to return to the
Content page.
Important: Your playlist changes will only be saved if you click the Save Changes button after making
My Playlists – Append Content:
To add content to the end of a playlist from the main Content page, check one or more content files to
select them.
Select the playlist from the drop-down list. In this example several thumbnails have been checked.
Click the Append Content button. The system asks you to confirm; click OK to append the content.
The new items are added to the end of the playlist in alphabetical order by filename and a
confirmation message is displayed at the top of the page.
My Playlists – Delete Playlist:
To delete a playlist, select it from the My Playlists drop-down list and click the Delete Playlist button.
The system asks you confirm; click OK to delete the playlist.