Tekmonitor view, Tekmonitor control – TEKVOX TekManager Comprehensive User Manual

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 Macros

 Allows for viewing and editing of the Macros. In addition, copy and pasting of macros

between monitors is provided via the right mouse context menu.

 Network Settings

 Allows for viewing and editing of the Network settings. To set as static change DHCP to

False. When finished, click-on Update IP Settings button. The MAC Address is also

 Schedules

 Allows for viewing and editing of the Schedules. In addition, copy and pasting of

Schedules between monitors is provided via the right mouse context menu.

 TekMonitor Information

 Allows for viewing and editing of the TekMonitor Name and viewing of its Serial Number

TekMonitor View

To view several active TekMonitors on one screen a column grid display is utilized. This display is called
a View. Each View consists of a group of selected columns. Using Views allows the user to save and
select different displays. For example; one TekMonitor View could be inventory control, another
operational control and another security.

Another feature of the TekMonitor View is the TekMonitor Map which will be describe in more detail
further into this document. This feature allows each TekMonitor to have its parameters mapped to a
specified column. Some drivers do not share the same memory location for their parameters, to solve this
problem a TekMonitor Map is assigned to each TekMonitor.

TekMonitor Control

A TekMonitor and the devices that are connected to it can be
remotely controlled via TekManager by selecting a
TekMonitor and either double-clicking on it or select
TekMonitor Control from the mouse menu.

TekMonitor Control allows for the following selections:

 Host

 Device 1

 Device 2 (TEK2)
 Device Status

 Location
 Links

 Macros
 Email

 Errors
 Tools

The View of these items depends on the access level assigned to the project.

Only the administrator’s

level can select all of the items. All other levels can only view Control.