Monroe Electronics R189se User Manual
Page 109
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ZCZC- This is the identifier, sent as ASCII characters ZCZC to indicate the start of ASCII code.
ORG- This is the Originator code and indicates who originally initiated the activation of the
EAS. These codes are specified in paragraph (d) of this section.
EEE- This is the Event code and indicates the nature of the EAS activation. The codes are
specified in paragraph (e) of this section. The Event codes must be compatible with the codes
used by the NWS Weather Radio Specific Area Message Encoder (WRSAME).
PSSCCC- This is the Location code and indicates the geographic area affected by the EAS alert.
There may be 31 Location codes in an EAS alert. The Location code uses the Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS) numbers as described by the U.S. Department of
Commerce in National Institute of Standards and Technology publication FIPS PUB 6-4. Each
state is assigned an SS number as specified in paragraph (f) of this section. Each county and
some cities are assigned a CCC number. A CCC number of 000 refers to an entire State or
Territory. P defines county subdivisions as follows: 0 = all or an unspecified portion of a county,
1 = Northwest, 2 = North, 3 = Northeast, 4 = West, 5 = Central, 6 = East, 7 = Southwest, 8 =
South, 9 = Southeast. Other numbers may be designated later for special applications. The use of
county subdivisions will probably be rare and generally for oddly shaped or unusually large
counties. Any subdivisions must be defined and agreed to by the local officials prior to use.
+TTTT- This indicates the valid time period of a message in 15 minute segments up to one hour
and then in 30 minute segments beyond one hour; i.e., +0015, +0030, +0045, +0100, +0430 and
JJJHHMM- This is the day in Julian Calendar days (JJJ) of the year and the time in hours and
minutes (HHMM) when the message was initially released by the originator using 24 hour
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
LLLLLLLL- This is the identification of the broadcast station, cable system,
MDS/MMDS/ITFS station, NWS office, etc., transmitting or retransmitting the message. These
codes will be automatically affixed to all outgoing messages by the EAS encoder.
NNNN- This is the End of Message (EOM) code sent as a string of four ASCII N characters.