Junger Audio MIX4 Small Desktop Mixer User Manual

Page 9

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Jünger Audio-Studiotechnik GmbH



Management of MIX4 settings

The initial settings such as GAIN, PAN and bus assignment of a source are done within a channel strip.
Those parameters are always stored in relation to the source, i.e. if you select a specific source again on for
a channel strip, the parameters stored will automatically be activated.

The filter and dynamic settings are also set up by a channel strip. These settings are called
DSP parameters. You can save the DSP parameters (Phase, HP, 3xEQ, De-Esser, Expander, Compressor)
to presets. Later on you can load the data of such presets into any channel strip. When loading a preset, the
parameters will be applied to the source that is selected for that channel strip and will stay with that source.

As mentioned above, the MIX4 manages all parameters relating to a source. Therefore each source keeps
its DSP parameters even if you do not use it momentarily for a channel strip.

Important note : The data of presets will be applied in the same way as one would input it manually
step by step. It means that changing preset data later on will have NO effect for a source where that
preset has previously been used!

You can edit preset parameters off line by a PC based operator/preset/backup/restore tool. There you can
also give it a name. You can store sets of presets into files and/or send parts or all of it to devices of your
choice. Finally you can load a preset remote controlled into one or many channel strips.

The MIX4 has 11 areas for user data, called operators.
For each of the 11 operators there are 8 Snap-Shots. They contain the actual source assignment with all
parameters as well as the settings done in the menu from the desk top remote. Each operator can
have one set of monitor sources applied to the user buttons 1-4. By using the setup software you can name
the operators and apply individual security settings including a 4 digit PIN. This allows you to deny
operators access to several functions of the desktop remote and thereby prevent inexperienced personal
making operational mistakes. If you do not assign a PIN for an operator (0-0-0-0) the login happens without
interrogation. On logout all current settings of an operator are stored automatically.

An exception is the 1


operator named „Guest“. He will always be activated when you turn the MIX4 on.

This ensures that everybody can work with the MIX4 without being a registered operator. Therefore no login
is necessary. That is why you must store the settings which are to be loaded when you switch the unit on by
a special routine. You must press the buttons first and afterwards. The message
“Operator save“ will be displayed.

The data of the operators (content of their snap shots and last active conditions) can be managed with the
operator/preset/backup/restore tool. With this you can create sets of 10 operators each and store these in
files at any place in the network and/or send them to devices. This tool allows you to create a backup for a
set of operators and load it later on into a similar device. You can also login individual operators over the

Finally you can manage a set of all the data of a device. You can back it up and restore it later on. This
function may ease the exchange of units in the field without restoring setups, operator profiles and presets
but back up the unit at once.