Junger Audio MIX4 Small Desktop Mixer User Manual
Page 33

Jünger Audio-Studiotechnik GmbH
Talkback Setup
The MIX4 has 2 Talkback modes.
Local pane
In daily operation Talkback will probably be one of the two microphone inputs to the Mix 4. But could
also be one of the line inputs. The selection is done in the Local pane of this window.
If the Talkback button is pressed this signal is routed to the Destination: output(s) which may be
selected here.
In addition you can specify via the Split on: options whether the Talkback signal replaces the signal
that is normally present at that output or if it should happen in so called split mode.
In Split on: the Talkback signal will only be routed to the right channel so that the signal
normally present can still be monitored in the left one.
Pressing the Talkback button may activate a tally that can remote control an external Talkback
destination unit.
External pane
For external Talkback mode you can specify the Source: of an external signal.
The Destination: of external talkback may be different from local talkback, as specified here.
External Talkback may be activated by GPI.
Important note! Be careful with the external GPI. It will exchange the monitor source with the external
Talkback signal input. If this GPI is permanently activated it will permanently switch Headphones or
Speakers or Auxes off from monitoring, which can lead to the mistaken impression that there is no
monitoring. Therefore external Talkback will always be send to it’s destination in split mode (see above).
Monitor Dim Level pane
When a Talkback is engaged, the monitor loudspeaker is dimmed by the amount set here.
Dim button pane
The Mix 4 Remote surface has a DIM Button. The actual action of this DIM button is set to one of these 4
DIM the monitor
MUTE the monitor
MUTE MIC 2 to perform a cough function.