Junger Audio MIX4 Small Desktop Mixer User Manual
Page 65

Jünger Audio-Studiotechnik GmbH
Level diagram of MIX4
In the Digital World, maximum level is defined as 0dB Full Scale
(0 dBFS). Of course, this does not mean that program levels from
one source to another will be the same!
Digital sound storage media are controlled for peak levels up to
0 dBFS where, depending on the genre, average level may be
clearly below.
In production studios where different program sources have to
be combined the relationships are slightly different.
A defined operating level to which Operator’s can rely on as standard
is essential.
It must allow for a certain headroom. For additional security, limiters
are often used to prevent overloads.
Around the world the opinion on peak levels in relation to operating
levels differ widely.
In Japan the “analogue world“ operates on +4 dBu with
maximum levels of +22 dBu corresponding to a headroom of
18 dB. Given to the “digital world” it means an operating level
of -18 dBFS.
In Europe, the operating level is +6 dBu and a headroom between 6 and 15 dB is used. In the example
below a headroom of 9 dB is assumed :
0 dBu
+ 6 dBu
+ 15 dBu
+ 22 dBu
0 dBFS
-9 dBFS
digital level
max analog output level
max analog line in level
peak level
-16 dBFS
digital headroom
example: 9dB
Offset GAIN
7 dB
0 dBu
+ 6 dBu
+ 15 dBu
+ 13 dBu
+ 18 dBu
+ 22 dBu
-2 dBu
CD player
operating level ~ 600mV
peak level ~ 2V
+4 dBu
-18 dBFS
analog headroom
example: 9dB
The MIX4 may be adapted to any individual situation to meet either different media requirements or for the
connection to analog transmission lines.
The MIX4 operates at the analog inputs up to a level of +22 dBu. This compares to a digital level of 0 dBFS
after A/D conversion. E.g. if an analog level of +6 dBu shall cause a digital level of -9 dBFS, a (digital) gain of
7 dB is necessary. In addition, the GAIN settings within the channel strip are provided to achieve a
reasonable adjustment range for the faders for a given operating level.
0d Bu
+ 6 dBu
-12 6d Bu
-8 8dB u
+ 1 0d Bu
+ 2 2d Bu
- 2 6d Bu
max lin e in le vel
-10 0d Bu
N oise (R M S)
@ 2 00 Oh m
MIC input settings
N o ise (R MS )
No ise (R M S)