3 atsc modulation settings – DekTec DTC-300 StreamXpress User Manual

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DTC-300-SP – StreamXpress



#1 Bandwidth Selection:
The ADTB-T modulation supports multiple bandwidths per channel. With this setting the user can

select between 5,6,7,8 MHz for the RF spectrum per channel.

#2 Time Interleaver:
The ADTB-T modulation supports 2 time interleaver setting. Short 240 symbols (IL1) or long 720

symbols (IL2).

#3 Constellation Modes:
The ADTB-T modulation supports multiple sub-modulation modes. Depending on the application

and how error prone the channel can be the user can select different constellation mode. The

StreamXpress supports 4NR-QAM, 4-QAM, 16-QAM, 32-QAM and 64-QAM.

#4 Guard Interval:
The ADTB-T modulation uses Pseudo-Random Noise Code in the guard interval to allow for faster

synchronisation and more accurate channel estimation. The StreamXpress offers 3 different codes:

PN420, PN595 and PN945.

#5 Code Rate:
The ADTB-T modulation offers multi Code rate. The StreamXpress support 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 code


#6 Frame Numbering
Each ADTB-T RF frame is sequentially numbered for missing frame and reordering tracking. When

selecting the “F: box, the StreamXpress will sequence the RF frames.

#7 Pilot Insertion
The insertion of the Pilot in ADTB-T is optional and allows a quicker locking of the RF signal by the

receiver. Select the “P” box for Pilot insertion.

3.5.3 ATSC Modulation settings

The user can select the ATSC modulation and change its parameters. Every UHF/VHF DekTec

modulator is licensed to support ATSC by default.




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