CRU RAX840-IR User Manual

Page 4

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3.2 Using a web browser to access the GUI (Graphical User Interface).

R A X 8 4 0 - I R Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e A 9 - 8 4 0 - 0 0 0 4 - 1 R E V 1 . 0

- 4 -

Not sure what type of network you

If the IP address displayed on the

LCD starts with 169.254 this indicates
that the network is probably not DHCP-
enabled. Use the instructions for a static

3.2.1 If you are connected to a DHCP-enabled
On DHCP networks, a new IP address is dynamically
assigned to RAX’s Config GUI port as soon as the
network detects it. You can determine this address by
checking the LCD interface on the front of RAX. It will
appear in this format: Simply type this
IP address into a web browser on your computer. This will access RAX’s GUI, which you will use to
configure the unit.

3.2.2 If you are connected to a static network


Check your computer’s IP address, subnet mask, and gateway. Mac users can find this information in

System Preferences  Network.

To do this in Windows, open Network and Sharing Center in the Control Panel (Also called “View Network
Status and Tasks” under the “Network and Internet” category). On the left pane, select “Change adapter
settings”. Right-click on your network (likely called Local Area Connection) and select Properties. On the
new window that opens, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the Properties button.
Your computer’s IP address, subnet mask, and gateway will be displayed.


On the RAX LCD interface, press ENT and then scroll up or down to Change IP Setting. Press ENT.


Scroll up or down to find Static. Press ENT.


Change the IP address to closely match what your computer is using. Or, if you are on a business

network, have your IT administrator assign you an IP address. The IP address you select must NOT be in
use by another device.

For example, if your computer's IP address is, you might change the RAX’s IP to On smaller networks, each of the first three octets must be the identical to your
computer’s IP address!

When changing the IP address you'll notice that a box flashes over the digit to

be changed. While the digit is selected, press ▲ (Up) or ▼ (Down) to change it. Press ENT to move to
the next digit.


After the IP address is set, enter the subnet mask address exactly as it is shown on your computer’s

TCP/IP settings.


Next, enter the gateway address exactly as it is shown on your computer’s TCP/IP settings.


Confirm the settings change. To confirm, press ▲ (Up) for “yes” and then press ENT again.


Type the RAX’s new IP address into a web browser on your computer. This will access the RAX’s GUI,

which you will use to configure the unit.

3.2.3 If you are connected directly to a computer
The instructions are similar to those for a static network (see paragraph above), except that your
computer will not have IP address assigned if it’s not a part of a network. Since the RAX and your
computer must have similar IP addresses, you will assign an IP address to your computer based on the
default IP address of RAX.