CIRCUTOR CBS8 (Available until stocks) User Manual

Page 6

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----- Relay Station CBS-8 -------- --- Page No. 5

Current is measured by calculating the true effective value of one cycle. If this

value exceeds a (preset) threshold for a time period set by the user, then the
corresponding operational relay is activated.

The behaviour of the relays can be selected depending on how the CBS-8 is

set up. They can act as blocking relays or with recoverable trip. In current relay
mode, selection is done via the keyboard and in earth leakage mode it is activated
via the “EasyComm CBS-8” software on the Cd supplied with the equipment.

The CBS-8 uses an LCD display to show the current or earth leakage and the

status of the operational relay for each of the 8 channels.



- It is a small instrument to be mounted on a DIN rail.
- Measures in TRMS.
- Measurement in 8 independent channels.
- Channels configurable as earth leakage protectors or current relays.
- Alarm relay.
- Operation history logger.
- RS-485 communication for PC.
- Automatic resetting option (in RS-485 earth leakage channels).
- Pre-alarm registers (RS-485).

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