CIRCUTOR CBS8 (Available until stocks) User Manual
Page 16

----- Relay Station CBS-8 -------- --- Page No. 15
4.2.- Test mode
This is used to check the operation of toroid – CBS-8 connection, operational
relays, the equipment’s electronics and the LEDs.
The equipment does not check the line whilst it is
Pressing the “TEST” button for three seconds will enter this mode when the
equipment is in normal operating mode.
The test is: injecting a current via the test terminals on the transformer. This
current is detected by the selected CBS-8 channel as an earth leakage, tripping it
operational relay.
The results of the test of the connection between transformer and the relay
station is shown by different messages on the screen:
Working correctly
Working incorrectly
Channel to be tested
Test result
If no button is pressed for 30 seconds the equipment automatically
goes into normal mode without reconnecting any blocked relay