Installing the soc eds, Licensing the software, Installing the soc eds -5 – Altera SDK for OpenCL Cyclone V SoC User Manual

Page 14: Licensing the software -5

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Installing the SoC EDS

To use the Altera SDK for OpenCL to create OpenCL kernel programs that target a Cyclone V SoC, install

the Altera SoC Embdded Design Suite (EDS) on your host system to develop the corresponding

embedded software.

1. Run the


installer. Follow the installation instructions in the

Installing the SoC EDS section of the Altera SoC Embedded Design Suite User Guide.

2. Perform the tasks outlined in the Installing the ARM DS-5 Altera Edition Toolkit section of the Altera

SoC Embedded Design Suite User Guide to install the ARM Development Studio (DS-5) Altera Edition

Toolkit for your operating system (OS).
For more information on the ARM DS-5 Altera Edition Toolkit, refer to the ARM DS-5 Altera Edition

page of the ARM website.

3. Consult the Licensing section of the Altera SoC Embedded Design Suite User Guide for licensing

instructions for the SoC EDS and the ARM DS-5 Altera Edition Toolkit.

Related Information

Installing the SoC EDS

Installing the ARM DS-5 Altera Edition Toolkit

ARM DS-5 Altera Edition page on the ARM website

SoC EDS Licensing

Licensing the Software

Obtain the AOCL license from the Altera Self Service Licensing Center. The AOCL license allows the

software to access relevant Quartus II software functionalities and device support without an additional

Quartus II software license.

Before you begin

For information on the licensing options and requirements, refer to the Licensing Altera Software section

of the Altera Software Installation and Licensing manual, the


file that accompanies each

software, and the Altera Licensing page within the Altera website.
1. In the main page within the Altera website, click MYALTERA and log into your account.

2. Click the link to the Self-Service Licensing Center.

3. Perform the steps outlined in the Requesting a License from the Self-Service Licensing Center section of

the Altera Software Installation and Licensing manual to obtain and activate the license.
You must obtain a separate license for the SoC Embedded Design Suite (EDS).

4. If you have a fixed license, append the


file to the

LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable in the following manner:



Installing the SoC EDS


Setting Up the Altera SDK for OpenCL, SoC EDS, and the Cyclone V SoC Development Kit for Windows

Altera Corporation

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