Altera I/O Phase-Locked Loop (Altera IOPLL) IP Core User Manual

Device family support, Altera iopll ip core parameters, Altera iopll ip core parameters - pll tab

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Altera I/O Phase-Locked Loop (Altera IOPLL) IP Core

User Guide




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The Altera IOPLL megafunction IP core allows you to configure the settings of Arria


10 I/O PLL.

Altera IOPLL IP core supports the following features:
• Supports six different clock feedback modes: direct, external feedback, normal, source synchronous,

zero delay buffer, and LVDS mode.

• Generates up to nine clock output signals for the Arria 10 device.

• Switches between two reference input clocks.

• Supports adjacent PLL (


) input to connect with an upstream PLL in PLL cascading mode.

• Generates the Memory Initialization File (.mif) and allows PLL dynamic reconfiguration.

• Supports PLL dynamic phase shift.

Related Information

Introduction to Altera IP Cores

Provides more information about the Altera IP cores and the parameter editor.

Operation Modes

on page 8

Output Clocks

on page 8

Reference Clock Switchover

on page 9

PLL-to-PLL Cascading

on page 9

Device Family Support

The Altera IOPLL IP core only supports the Arria 10 device family.

Altera IOPLL IP Core Parameters

The Altera IOPLL IP core parameter editor appears in the PLL category of the IP Catalog.

Altera IOPLL IP Core Parameters - PLL Tab

Table 1: Altera IOPLL IP Core Parameters - PLL Tab


Legal Value


Device Family

Arria 10

Specifies the device family.


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. Altera warrants performance

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