Base cabinet setup – Woodhaven 786: Kurka Jig User Manual
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When completed you’ll have two assemblies, a
Right Kurka Jig for the right hand cabinet sides and
a Left Kurka Jig for the left hand cabinet sides.
At the top of the Jig Plates, insert 1/2" screws (MF005)
through the plate starting from the front, then start an
oval nut (5760B) on the end of the screws. See fig. 1.
The next step will depend on the length of the parts
you’ll be using the jig on. If the parts are 768mm (30-
1/4") or shorter, insert 1/2" screws through the holes at
the bottom of the jig plate starting from the front, then
start an oval nut on the end of the screws. See fig. 1.
If the parts are longer than 768mm (30-1/4"),
insert 1/2" screws through the holes at the bottom
of the jig plate starting from the back, then start an
oval nut on the end of the screws. See fig. 2.
Take the Right Front and Left Front jig plates and slide
a 26" One Track (4226 - for base or utility cabinets), or
14" One Track (4214 - for upper cabinets), on the oval nuts
at the top of each plate. Position the end of the track so it’s
flush with the front of the plate and the edge of the track is
flush with the top of the plate, then tighten the screws. Slide
the same length One Track on to the oval nuts at the bottom
of each plate. Position the end of the track so it’s flush with
the front of the plate. The edge of the track will over hang
the bottom of the plate slightly and it will measure 770mm
or 30-5/16" from the track at the top (measured inside to
inside). Tighten the screws on the bottom track. See fig. 3.
Slide two Universal Plates on to the 26" tracks for base
cabinets. Slide one Universal Plate on to the 14" tracks for
upper cabinets. Use the Setup Plates (786A) and Setup Pins
(786P) to position the Universal Plates in 32mm increments
from the Front Plate. The position of the Universal Plates
can correspond to the second (or possibly even the third)
mounting hole for your drawer glides in base cabinets, or
necessary shelf pin locations. Tighten the screws when done
and remove the Setup Plates and Setup Pins. See fig. 3 & 4.
In addition to the assemblies for Upper and Base cabinets
just described, you can also use just the Front Plates of the
Kurka Jig for Utility Cabinets which may only require wing
plate mounting holes. Insert a 1" screw (MF015) through
the hole at the top inside of the Front Plate. Install a 3/8"
bushing (BUSH050) and a thumb screw (5521) on the end
of the screw. This serves as the indexer for the top of the
Front Plate instead of a length of One Track. See fig. 5.
In addition to indexing off the top of the cabinet side,
the Kurka Jig indexes off the front of the cabinet side using
thumb screws and spacers. The front indexing holes - see
fig. 6, position the jig with a 37mm offset and are used
for frameless cabinets and face frame cabinets with inset
drawers. The back indexing holes - see fig. 6, position the
jig 3/4" further out for face frame cabinets with full overlay
drawers. Install the 1/4" spacers (BUSH002) on the 1/2"
thumb screws (5503) and, from the bottom of the plate, screw
them into the three holes needed for your type of cabinet.
The Indexing Pin (781P) is used to re-index the jig on
long parts using a previously drilled hole. You’ll need to
remove any tracks on the back of the jig plates and re-attach
them to the front of the plates when doing long parts.
Underside of plate
Top of plate
Parts shorter than 768mm
Underside of plate
Top of plate
Parts longer than 768mm
Base Cabinet Setup
Setup Plate & Pins
Setup Plate & Pins