Turning Technologies TurningPoint AnyWhere User Manual

Page 39

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TurningPoint AnyWhere User Guide



standards folder, click Load.The Delete button allows Standards Lists to be deleted from the standards
folder. The New button allows the creation of a custom Standards List.


Click New.

TurningPoint AnyWhere prompts for a new name be entered for the Standards List.


Enter a name in the box provided and click OK.

TurningPoint AnyWhere creates the Standards List in the standards folder, displays it in the Current
Selection drop-down menu, and displays the new Standards List in the left pane of the Standards

The new Standards List has a top-level (Parent) category with the same names as the list.

Categories arrange standards into a hierarchy.


To add a category or a standard, complete the following steps:


Click Add Category or Add Standard.

TurningPoint AnyWhere prompts for a title to be entered for the category or standard.


Enter a title in the box provided and click OK.

TurningPoint AnyWhere adds the category or standard to the parent category you selected.

Select the Standard or Category and enter the name.


Repeat steps a and b to add additional categories and/or standards.

Categories or standards can be deleted from the list using the Remove button. The title of a category
or standard can be changed by using the Edit Field button.


The Standards can now be added to the questions.


Select the question in the left panel of the Question Editor.


Select a standard from the list.


Select the right arrow button (>) to assign the standard to the question.

The standard displays in the list of current standards in the right pane of the Standards window.

Remove a standard using the left arrow button (<).