Column reports – Turning Technologies ResultsManager User Manual
Page 26

ResultsManager User Guide
Column Reports
Column Reports
There are several report types available for column reports. Column reports include:
Session Overview - Displays general information about the session.
Individual Results - Displays the participant responses for each question and the participant
Individual Score - Displays the participant responses for each question, wether the response was
correct or incorrect and the participant information.
Results by Question - Displays the answers, an indication of the correct answer(s), the number of
responses for each answer, the percentage of responses for each answer and the total count of
participants that responded to the question.
Results by Question with Screenshots - Displays the same information as the Results by Question
report with the addition of screenshots from a TurningPoint AnyWhere session.
Difficulty and Discrimination Indexes - Displays the difficulty index and the discrimination index for
each individual question item during a single session or assessment.
Formula for the Difficulty Index:
D = Difficulty Index
NH = Number of correct responses in the top 27%* (participants who responded with the most
number of correct answers during the session)
NL = Number of correct responses in lower 27%* (participants who responded with the least number
of correct answers during the session)
T = Number of total responses in the top and lower groups
D = (NH + NL) / T
Formula for the Discrimination Index:
D = Discrimination Index
NH = Number of correct responses in the top 27%* (participants who responded with the most
number of correct answers during the session)
NL = Number of correct responses in lower 27%* (participants who responded with the least number
of correct answers during the session)
T = Number of total responses in the top and lower groups
D = (NH - NL) / .5(T)