Ii. installation, Continued) – SurgeX SX-AX20 User Manual
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SX-AX15 (20) Setup and Control Utility User Manual
Page 4
II. Installation
Selecting an Axess
To select an Axess from the list, simply click on the desired unit in the list box. This
action will place the selected Axess IP address into the IP Address field of the Connect
Panel, Download Dialog Box, and the Upload Dialog box. This prevents the user from
having to know the IP address of each Axess. The SCU has the ability to remember the
user name and password for each of the units in the Select List Box. Once the user
name and password have been entered in the appropriate fields on the control panel,
they will remain in the program’s memory until the program has been closed.
Additionally, the user name and password may be saved between sessions by checking
the Save User Name and Password check box on the connect panel.
Upon selecting an Axess from the list box that has a username and password available,
the program will automatically connect to the Axess, query the Axess, and switch to the
control panel tab.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Selecting Axess units in the list select box does not change any
configuration loaded into the program, either from a previously downloaded Axess, or from a
new or opened configuration file. If modifying and uploading any configuration, first make sure
you are working with the appropriate file or download.
Popup Menus
As with most Windows applications, the user can right-click anywhere in the Select List
Box and a popup menu will be displayed. The list box has two different popup menus:
one that is displayed when the user right-clicks on an Axess in the list box, and one that
is displayed when the user right-clicks on empty white space. The white space menu is
just a subset of the Axess popup menu. Each of the menu choices are outlined below.
This choice is only available when the user right-clicks
on an Axess in the Select List Box. Selecting this
choice will open the Download Dialog box with the IP
address preloaded. If the user name and password
were saved previously, they will be preloaded as well.
This allows the user a quick and easy way of
downloading the setup information of an Axess.
This choice is only available when the user right-clicks on an Axess in the Select List
Box. Selecting this choice will display the Upload Dialog Box (see Upload Dialog Box for
details), with the IP address preloaded. If the user name and password were saved
previously, they will be preloaded as well.