Uussiin ng g yyo ou urr ssyysstte em m – Directed Electronics G312R User Manual

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g yyo


urr ssyysstte



locking with transmitter

To lock the doors press

for one second. The parking lights

will flash once and the horn will honk once to confirm that the

doors are locked.

unlocking without transmitter

To unlock the doors press

for one second. The parking

lights will flash twice and the horn will honk twice to confirm

that the doors are unlocked.

ignition-controlled door locks

If power door locks have been connected to your system and the

ignition-controlled door locks are programmed on, the vehicle's

door will lock three seconds after the ignition has been turned on

and unlock when the ignition is turned off.

turn-off system with Valet/Program switch

Turn the ignition key to the ON position. The press and release

the Valet/Program switch within 15–seconds.

note: The above only functions with security features
programmed ON.