Directed Electronics G312R User Manual

Page 33

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step 7

Horn Honk

This wire provides a negative pulsed output for audible confir-
mation of the door locks through the horn. Locate the suspected
horn wire using the information sheet for your specific vehicle.
With the red lead of the meter attached to a 12-volt constant
source, connect the black lead to the suspect horn wire and honk
the horn. The meter should read between 11.00 and 12.00 volts.
Once the horn wire has been identified, strip off enough insula-
tion off this wire to solder the BROWN (H1/10) wire from the
12-pin main harness to the horn wire and cover the solder
connection with black tape.

step 8

Dome light supervision (optional)

The dome light wire is optional and not required for normal

operation, however if desired you can have the security system

turn on the dome light when the system is disarmed. If you

would like this feature please refer to the web site or call tech-

nical support.

note: The BROWN (H1/10) wire is a low current out-
put. It is intended only to drive a relay which controls the
horn. Connecting this wire directly to the horn w

wiillll result

in damage to the keyless entry system.