Directed Electronics G312R User Manual

Page 18

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© 2 0 0 3 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .

guide. The door lock guide identifies the type of system for your

vehicle. With the built in door lock relays you can properly

interface the power locks with your security system. If you are

unable to identify your door lock system with the web informa-

tion please contact Rattler Technical Support.

Although there are numerous types of door lock circuits, the

most common is the negative triggered door lock system. If your

vehicle has a negative triggered door lock system, follow the steps

below. If your vehicle has any other type of door lock system

then, the easiest way to determine which type of door lock

system you are working with is to remove the master locking

switch itself, which is usually on the driver’s door or on the

center console. Once you have determined which type of factory

door lock circuit you are working with, and the color codes of

the switch wires to be used, you can usually simplify the instal-

lation by locating the same wires in the vehicle’s kick panel. If no

central locking switch is found, the installation may require a

door lock actuator.

There are eight common types of door lock circuits (some vehi-

cles use more unusual systems):

note: Always retest the wires in the kick panel to be sure
they function the same way as the wires on the switch.