Reverb function – Rocktron Utopia G200B w/Banshee User Manual

Page 43

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6. REVERB Function

Reverb is a multitude of echoes spaced so close together that, to the human ears seem as a single

continuous sound. These echoes gradually decrease in intensity until they are ultimately absorbed by the

boundaries and obstacles within a room. As the sound waves from the sound source strike the boundar-

ies of a r oom, a por tion of the ener gy is r eflected away fr om the obstacle while another por tion is ab-

sor bed into it - ther eby causing both the continuance of sound as well as the d ecay ing or "d y ing out' of

the sound.

The PARAMETER SELECT knob will allow you to access these REVERB parameters:

The R EVER B IN PUT par ameter d eter mines whether the input to the R ever b sec-

tion is ACTIVE (passing a signal) or MUTED (will not pass a signal).

The MIX DIR ECT/DELAY par ameter is used to d efine the r atio of d ir ect signal

to delayed signal to be input to the reverb section.

The R EVER B LEVEL par ameter allows y ou to contr ol the level of the r ever b

signal at the output in relation to the direct signal and other effect signals. This

parameter is also accessible from the Mixer function.

The R EVER B DECAY par ameter d eter mines the length of time that the r ever b

signal will sound before it has completely died out.

The R EVER B HIGH FR EQUEN CY DAMPIN G par ameter is used to contr ol the

decay rate of high frequency information in the reverb signal. Higher parameter

settings will result in a faster decay of high frequency information.