Martin Christ RVC 2-18 CDplus User Manual

Page 27

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RVC 2-18 CD& HCL

5 Set-up and connection

Version 04/2012, Rev. 1.4 of 25/11/2013 • sb


Translation of the original operating manual

Pos: 93 / 200 Christ /37 0 RVC-BA (STANDARDM ODULE)/ 050 Au fstellu ng u nd Ans chluss/ 050 -00 60 A nschluss von V akuu mpu mp e un d/od er Kü hlfalle @ 8\ mod _13 093 374 3944 3_6 8.d ocx @ 466 77 @ 2 @ 1


Connection of a vacuum pump and/or a cooling trap

In order to withdraw and condense the vapours that are formed, the RVC
can be connected with further components.

Pos: 94 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1

Pos: 95 / 200 Christ /37 1 RVC-BA (PROJEKTE) /RVC 2-1 8 CDpl us_2 -18 CD plus_HCl /050 Aufstell ung und Anschluss /05 0-0 060 -00 11 BASIC: Ab pum pen übe r ei ne Vak uum pum pe_HC L @ 12\ mod_ 133 525 318 202 0_6 8.docx @ 6 399 1 @ 3 @ 1


BASIC: Withdrawal of the vapours by a vacuum pump

The vapours are withdrawn by a vacuum pump, e.g. the vacuum diaphragm
pump for chemical applications "MZ 2C" or "MD 4C", followed by
condensation in a liquid-cooled emission condenser.
This method is suitable for low-boiling samples containing solvents. The
vacuum pump must be connected to the RVC. The connector of the stop
valve must be plugged into the socket on the back of the unit.




Vacuum hose


Vacuum pump


Electromagnetic stop


Fig. 7: Combination of the RVC with a vacuum pump and a stop valve, front and rear view

Pos: 96 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ Seit enwec hsel @ 0\m od_ 120 211 6244 312 _0. docx @ 10 5 @ @ 1