Xwr-600 – Luxul XWR-600 User Manual

Page 28

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a: 14203 Minuteman Drive, Suite 201, Draper, UT 84020-1685 | | 801-822-5450

LUX-UG-XWR-600 Vers: 07814


Enable/Disable SSID: Allows you to Enable or Disable the SSID. Enabled is the
default setting.


Operating Mode: Allows you to select the Operating Mode of the SSID. Access
Point is the default setting.


Network Name (SSID): Allows you to specify the Network Name (SSID) used to
identify the Wireless Network to client devices.


SSID Broadcast: Allows you to Enable or Disable the SSID Broadcast. Enabled is the
default setting.


Security Mode: Allows you to set the desired Security Mode used to connect
to the SSID. Supported modes include 64bit/128bit WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA/
WPA2 Mixed. Open is the default setting. We strongly recommend adding Security
to all SSIDs.


WEP Key: When selecting WEP Security, a WEP key option will appear. This allows
you to set the WEP Key, it can consist of Numbers 0-9 and Letters A-F. For 64bit
WEP, enter 10 hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F) or 5 regular characters. For 128bit
WEP enter 26 hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F) or 13 regular characters.


Encryption: When selecting WPA or WPA2 security, two options will appear. The
first is Encryption, which allows you to set the Encryption type used by WPA/
WPA2. Options include AES, TKIP&AES and TKIP. AES is the default and recom-
mended setting.


WPA Passphrase: When selecting WPA or WPA2 security, two options will appear.
The second is WPA Passphrase, which allows you to set the Passphrase used to
connect to the SSID. WPA Passphrases must be a minimum of 8 to a maximum of
63 Characters and can contain Letters (capitol and lowercase), Numbers, Special
Characters and Spaces.


Save: This button is used to Save the configuration changes made on this page.
Once you have clicked Save, you may move to other pages in the Router setup.
Most changes will require a Reboot to allow the changes to take effect.


Reboot: This button is used to Reboot the Router after making configuration
changes or can be used to Reboot the Router for any reason.


Cancel: This button Cancels any changes made on this page.


Delete: Allows you to Delete the current SSID selected. Once you have clicked
Delete, you may move to other pages in the Router setup. Delete will require a
Reboot to allow the changes to take effect.