LINK Systems Omni II Automatic Setups Module User Manual

Page 7

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October 16, 2008

Manual Version 1.1


Section 2 Parameter Entry and Access Control

Section 2.1

Parameter Entry

Throughout the OmniLink II Press Automation control, a fairly standard form of data entry is
employed. When data entry is allowed, an “editing cursor” will appear on the screen. This
cursor can typically be moved from parameter to parameter on the screen with the up, down, left,
and right arrow keys. The topmost softkey is used to select the parameter for editing and can
change description depending on the parameter selected.

Section 2.1.1 Numeric Entries

Assuming access has been achieved by one of the means listed in the following sections, to
change a numeric value:


Place the editing cursor on the parameter to be changed by using the up, down, left,
and right arrow keys as appropriate. Note that the editing cursor will only appear on
the screen when editing is allowed. For instance, editing is usually not allowed when
the press is running.


The topmost softkey will usually say something along the lines of “CHANGE
XXXXXX” where XXXXXX is the name of the value to be changed. It may also
simply say “CHANGE NUMBER.” In any case, hit this softkey to enter numeric
input mode. The editing cursor will change to a rectangle around the parameter to be


Use the numeric keypad to input the new number desired for the parameter.


Press the ENT key to finish.

Note that moving off the parameter with the arrow keys or hitting the EXIT key will abort the
edit and leave the parameter at the value it had before the editing process began.

Section 2.1.2 Text Entry

For text entry:


Place the editing cursor on the text to be changed by using the up, down, left, and right
arrow keys as appropriate. Note that the editing cursor will only appear on the screen
when editing is allowed. For instance, editing is usually not allowed when the press is


The topmost softkey will usually say something along the lines of “CHANGE
XXXXXX” where XXXXXX is the name of the value to be changed. It may also simply