LINK Systems Omni II Automatic Setups Module User Manual

Page 67

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October 16, 2008

Manual Version 1.1


move .001 inch - an acceptable value.

Now it is time to use the AUTO ADJUST softkey. Enter a setpoint slightly above the current
reading. Assume that the current shut height reading is 13.800 inches. Enter a setpoint of
14.000 inches. Remember that the Slide Adjust OFF/ON selector switch should be in the ON
position. Press the AUTO ADJUST softkey. The slide moves up past 14.000 (the slide setpoint
we entered in the operation screen) and stops momentarily at 14.025. It then comes back down
and stops at 13.996. The Pulse Distance value is set too high. What should have happened is
that the slide would go over 14.000, come back down to a position just over 14.000 - say 14.003
- and then pulse into position at 14.000. Since we went under our setpoint by .004 inches, we
change the Pulse Distance to .017 inches (adding .004 for the undershoot plus .003 for good
measure to the original value of .010). Now when we hit the AUTO ADJUST softkey the slide
travels first to 14.039, stops momentarily, travels down to 14.003, and pulses the slide into
position at 14.000 - perfect.

See section 5.1 for further details on slide adjust operation.