LINK Systems Omni II Automatic Setups Module User Manual
Page 37
October 16, 2008
Manual Version 1.1
be changed. The up and down arrow keys move the editing cursor from one parameter to
another. See Appendix A for examples of setting up each kind of system. The features of this
screen are:
Help The
of the screen changes depending on the
parameter that the editing cursor is currently on. It gives a short version of
how the parameter is used.
Corresponds to the number of the Automatic Setups module that is
currently being configured. Typical systems will have only one module.
Up to four modules can be connected to one OmniLink II Press
Automation Control or OmniLink 5000 Press Control.
Air Slot
Corresponds to the physical slot number (AS2 in the example of Figure
4.3) selected for configuration on the auto-setup card.
Use the CHANGE MODE soft key to cycle the status from ON to MAN to
OFF and back to ON. ON means the module will automatically adjust the
air pressure when a job is recalled to the air pressure associated with that
job. MAN means the module will automatically adjust the air pressure, but
the pressure can only be changed from the Auto Setup screen by entering
the desired air pressure. A recalled job will NOT change the pressure if
you configure the module to MAN. OFF means the module will not
control the air pressure. This value should typically be set to ON.
Display Force As
Set this parameter to the units that die cushion force should be displayed
in. The choices are pounds (lbs), kilograms (Kgs), tons, and metric tons
(Mtons). Note that the display unit can be changed at any time. If a job
was stored in tons, and this unit is changed to pounds, the stored job will
still be correct. For example, if 2 tons were stored for a job and the
display unit is changed to pounds, when the job is recalled it will be set to
4000 pounds.
Max. Cushion Force This should be set to the cushion force generated at its maximum pressure.
Min. Cushion Force Set this value to the force generated at the Min. Pressure you have
selected. See Min. Pressure below.
Max. Pressure
This value should be set to the maximum operating air pressure at which
the cushion is designed to operate. This should be the maximum operating
pressure specified by the cushion manufacturer.
Min. Pressure
This value should be set to the minimum operating pressure at which you
will operate the cushion. The Min. Pressure should be set to at least the
value that just barely supports the weight of the cushion cylinder. This can
be found by slowly increasing the pressure to the cushion until it just starts
to rise. Then back off the pressure until it just starts to fall. The Min.
Pressure should be set to at least the average of the two pressures. The