Bleeding, Clinical features – Laerdal SimMan 3G Mystic User Manual

Page 47

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Manikin Setup

System Setup

Setup f

or Sim


Clinical F







e Par


Clinical Features


1 - Convulsions

Convulsions are not available in the Mystic configuration of the 3G

2 - 6 Pulses

Move the slider to the appropriate position. Moving the central slider
(5) sets the overall pulse limit shown by the red line.

7 - Secretions

Check or uncheck the boxes to activate/deactivate secretions.
When froth is activated, all other secretions are deactivated to ensure
correct fluid pressure.

Secretions (clear fluid)

− Sweat on forehead / diaphoresis

− Tears, both eyes

− Ears, both

− Nose, right side

− Mouth, right side

− Froth from mouth, right side.

− Urine output


Check the box for urine
− Normal

− Polyuria

− Micturition

Uncheck to disable urine.

Urine output
− Foley catheterization

− Urine (variable)

8 – Bleeding / Flow Rate

The number shown in the Flow box indicates the total bleeding rate
for both upper and lower bleeding ports. Flow rate is shown in ml
per min.

9 - Bleeding rate scale factor

1:1 to 1:10
To conserve blood from the manikin’s internal reservoir, set a higher
scale factor to scale down the manikin bleeding in relation to the
blood loss presented on the Instructor screen.

10 - Upper Port Bleeding

Activate the checkbox to open the upper bleeding port open. Move
slider to the left or click the ‘–‘ button to decrease bleeding rate. Move
slider to the right or click the ‘+’ button to increase bleeding rate


11 – Connecting Wound Modules

Wound modules can be placed on the skin. Connect the wound
modules to bleeding outlets. For information on wound setup see
section: Setup for Simulation - Connecting Wounds Kit.

The percentage shown in the box indicates the valve opening. The
percentage can also be entered by typing the desired percentage into
the box.

12 - Select Upper Port Bleeding Type

Select bleeding type using drop down menu.
− Venous

− Arterial

13 - Lower Port Bleeding

To adjust lower port settings, follow instructions as stated under item 10.

The percentage shown in the box indicates the valve opening of the
lower bleeding port. The percentage can also be entered by typing the
desired percentage into the box.

14 - Select Lower Bleeding Port

Select bleeding type using drop down menu.


To allow the manikin to bleed realistically, the manikin has internal
reservoirs for simulated blood. See the Manikin Setup.

The four bleeding ports and blood flow can be adjusted independently
from the SimMan 3G Instructor Application:
− Upper / lower bleeding ports

− Venous / Arterial

− Works with various wound modules and moulage kits

Bleeding Treatment:

− Bandage

− Pressure point

− Tourniquet

− Surgical Clamps

Vascular Access:

− IV access (right arm)

− Intraosseous access

(tibia and sternum)

Consumables and Spare


− Laerdal Artificial Blood


− Fill Units

− Wound modules

− Replacement trauma arm / leg.