EXFO FTB-5700 Single Ended Dispersion Analyzer for FTB-200 v2 User Manual

Page 9

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Introducing the FTB-5700 Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer

Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer


Basic FTB-5700 Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer Operation

Basic FTB-5700 Single-Ended Dispersion

Analyzer Operation

The purpose of the FTB-5700 Single-Ended Dispersion Analyzer unit is to be
simple of use, with minimal parameter setting requirements. The
parameter most likely to be changed by a user is the fiber type.

In order to achieve optimal measurements, you must however remember
a few concepts:


The measurement technique for the unit requires only a strong
reflective event at the end of the link to perform CD and PMD
measurements. The measurement is taken at the location of this
reflective event at a wavelength of 1550 nm.

Note: Reflective events are caused by an abrupt discontinuity in the index of

refraction. They cause a significant portion of the energy initially launched
into the fiber to be reflected back toward the source.


You must have a UPC connector at the end of the fiber to measure the
overall link. If the appropriate termination is not found, the unit returns
an error message (see Troubleshooting on page 67 for details).

Note: Other reflective terminations include mirror connectors, fiber pigtailed

mirrors, cleaved fibers. However, do not use fiber loop mirrors or
Faraday-type mirrors.