ENMET OMNI-4000 User Manual
Page 33

OMNI-4000 S/N 6705 and above
ENMET Corporation
Alarms Triggered
Intermittent audible alarm
General alarm indicator lamp blinking
One or more alarm indicator lamps blinking
Display of an explanatory message in the appropriate display quadrant
The reading of the channel in alarm is frozen at the maximum recorded value
Find out which channel or channels are in alarm by means of the channel alarm indicator lamps. See Figures 2-
17, 2-18, and 2-19. The corresponding quadrant alternately displays "ALARM", the reading and the type of gas.
Refer to the paragraph below concerning the type of gas:
"LEL Alarm" paragraph for an explosive gas channel (%LEL)
"Oxygen Alarm" paragraph for an oxygen channel
"Toxic Gas Alarm" paragraph for a toxic gas channel
(Figure 2-17)
OMNI-4000 without oxygen sensor
Be careful, explosive gas present
Press ENTER to acknowledge the buzzer and reactivate the display
OMNI-4000 with oxygen sensor and Over Range option
Be careful, explosive gas present
Press ENTER to:
Attempt to acknowledge the buzzer. Acknowledgement is possible if
he reading is below 10%LEL.
And reactivate the display
(Figure 2-18)
The oxygen reading must be between the two thresholds for oxygen abundance and oxygen deficiency. The alarm is
triggered whenever the reading is not between the High Alarm and Low Alarm thresholds.
Leave the area as quickly as possible. Excess and lack of oxygen are both dangerous
Press ENTER to acknowledge the buzzer and reactivate the display
(Figure 2-19)
Three types of reading can trigger the toxic gas alarm:
Exceeding of the maximum instantaneous permissible value
Exceeding of the permissible TWA (Time Weighted Average)
Exceeding of the permissible STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit)
In each of these cases, a specific message cyclically replaces the reading in the appropriate channel:
"ALARM" whenever the maximum permissible instantaneous value has been exceeded. The reading is frozen in
order that the operator can see the maximum value recorded.
"STEL AL" when the Short Term Exposure Limit has been exceeded (sliding mean of 15 minutes)
"TWA AL" when the Time Weighted Average has been exceeded (sliding mean over 8 hours)
Proceed as follows:
Leave the area as quickly as possible. High instantaneous or accumulated excesses (STEL or TWA) are equally
Press ENTER to acknowledge the buzzer and reactivate the display