Isicompactshb, Isicompactda, Isicompactdahb – Echelon ISI User Manual

Page 99: All compact libraries

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ISI Programmer’s Guide


This library supports the same features as the IsiCompactS library, with the
addition of support for network variable heartbeats, as described in


Periodic Heartbeats


Devices created with this library do not support domain acquisition.


This library supports the same features as IsiCompactS, with the addition of

support for domain acquisition.

Network variable heartbeats are not supported by this version of the ISI engine.


This library supports the same features as IsiCompactDa, with the addition of
support for network variable heartbeats, as described in

Sending Periodic


All Compact Libraries

All compact ISI libraries support all features detailed under


, except those

specifically excluded in the description of the particular version of compact ISI
library. The following features are also not supported by compact ISI libraries:

• Direct removal or replacement of existing network variable connections is

not supported. Connection invitations will be ignored for assemblies that
are already in a connection. The IsiLeaveEnrollment() and

IsiDeleteEnrollment() functions are not present. To remove an existing

connection from a device that uses a compact ISI library, call the
IsiReturnToFactoryDefaults() function to return the device to the factory

defaults. To replace an existing connection on such a device, return the
device to the factory defaults, and then create the new connection.

• Network variable turnaround connections are not supported with the

compact libraries.

• The compact libraries require support by the application to pre-validate

resources prior to enrolling with a new connection, whereas the IsiFull

library contains more comprehensive, built-in, support for this validation.

See the IsiGetFreeAliasCount() function for more information.

• Diagnostics are not supported; the isiFlagSupplyDiagnostics flag is ignored.

The following table compares the features of each library.