Getting isi version information, Discovering devices – Echelon ISI User Manual

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ISI Programmer’s Guide

#define CONTABSIZE 16u

static IsiConnection connectionBuffer;

unsigned IsiGetConnectionTableSize(void) {

const IsiConnection* IsiGetConnection(unsigned index) {

// TODO: fetch data for index from external storage,

// for example by using a I2C serial I/O model; fill
// connectionBuffer with that data.

return &connectionBuffer;

void IsiSetConnection(IsiConnection* pConnection,
unsigned index) {

// TODO: transfer data referenced by pConnection to

// external storage, saving it for the given Index


Getting ISI Version Information

unsigned IsiImplementationVersion(void);
unsigned IsiProtocolVersion(void);

You can get the version number of the ISI engine, and of the ISI protocol
supported by the ISI engine. Two functions are included to provide information

about the current implementation of ISI.

To get the version number of the ISI engine, call the IsiImplementationVersion()

To get the maximum version of the ISI protocol supported by the ISI engine, call
the IsiProtocolVersion() function. The ISI engine implicitly supports protocol

versions less then the version returned by the function unless otherwise noted.

Discovering Devices

You can discover all the devices in an ISI network. All devices in an ISI network
periodically broadcast their status by sending out DRUM messages. To discover

devices, you can monitor these status messages. This is useful for gateways and

controllers that need to maintain a table of all devices in a network, or provide
unique capabilities for specific types of devices in a network.

To discover devices, monitor the DRUM messages being sent on the network by

other devices and store the relevant information in a

device table

. A device table

is a table containing a list of devices and their attributes including their network

addresses. The DRUM messages contain all of the relevant information to do

explicit messaging. To create a device table, store the relevant DRUM fields,
such as subnet ID, node ID, and Neuron ID in a table that you can use to directly

communicate with other devices as described in the next section. To detect