Multi format imager limit travel adjustment – Da-Lite Multi Format Imager User Manual

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Multi Format Imager Limit Travel Adjustment

6. Locate the two tactile buttons on the back of the switch.

They are square silver with black round buttons as shown
in Figure 30.

7. To adjust how far the mask travels outward towards the

middle of masking screen, press and hold the down tactile
button until the LED on back of switch turns solid red. This
will put the motor in limit set mode. Turn the wall switch over
and use the down button on front of switch. Press and hold
until the desired travel position is reached. If you travel to far
outward you can press the up to move mask inward. If you
press and let go of either up or down button the motor will
do a small jog in that direction for finer adjustment of mask.
Once desired position is reached turn switch over press and
hold the down tactile button until the LED on back of switch
blinks red twice. The outward travel limit is now set.

8. To adjust how far the mask travels inwards away from the

middle of making screen, press and hold the up tactile button
until the LED on back of switch turns solid green. This will put
the motor in limit set mode. Turn the wall switch over and use
the up button on front of switch. Press and hold until the
desired travel position is reached. If you travel to far inward
you can press the down to move the mask outward. If you
press and let go of either up or down button the motor will
do a small jog in that direction for finer adjustment of mask.
Once desired position is reached turn switch over press and
hold up tactile button until the LED on back of switch blinks
green twice. The inward travel limit is now set.

9. To test limit switch setting, press and release the up or

down button on the wall switch to operate the mask.

10. To adjust travel of right mask. Unplug the 6P4C cable from

the QEYE of primary splitter and plug into the QEYE of
secondary splitter.

11. Locate the two tactile buttons on the back of the switch.

They are square silver with black round buttons as shown
in Figure 30.

12. To adjust how far the mask travels outward towards the

middle of masking screen, press and hold the up tactile
button until the LED on back of switch turns solid green. This
will put the motor in limit set mode. Turn the wall switch over
and use the up button on front of switch. Press and hold until
the desired travel position is reached. If you travel to far
outward you can press the down to move mask inward. If you
press and let go of either up or down button the motor will
do a small jog in that direction for finer adjustment of mask.
Once desired position is reached turn switch over press and
hold the up tactile button until the LED on back of switch
blinks green twice. The outward travel limit is now set.

13. To adjust how far the mask travels inwards away from the

middle of making screen, press and hold the down tactile
button until the LED on back of switch turns solid red. This
will put the motor in limit set mode. Turn the wall switch over
and use the down button on front of switch. Press and hold
until the desired travel position is reached. If you travel to far
inward you can press the up to move the mask outward. If
you press and let go of either up or down button the motor
will do a small jog in that direction for finer adjustment of
mask. Once desired position is reached turn switch over
press and hold down tactile button until the LED on back of
switch blinks red twice. The inward travel limit is now set.

14. Replace the 6P6C cable that goes from QEYE of primary

splitter to QAUX of secondary splitter as shown in Figure 29.

15. Unplug the 6P4C cable from the QEYE of secondary splitter

and plug back into the QEYE of primary splitter.

16. Unplug the 6P4C cable from the back of wall switch and plug

back into IR Eye.

17. Replace junction box cover.

18. Reset intermediate stopping positions. (See Intermediate

Stop Adjustment).