American Energy Systems MagnuM Countryside User Manual
Page 9
The Pedestal Ash Pan unit comes completely assembled, the Insert comes with the shroud packaged
separately and the Leg unit comes with the Legs packaged in the hopper.
The installation of the Insert Shroud is shown later in the installation manual. Make sure that the shroud is
with the unit when you get it.
The following diagram will show how to install the legs on the Leg Unit. The legs are wrapped up and
packaged in the hopper. Unpackage the legs and get the (4) nuts out of the hardware bag.
Tip the unit back so that you can get the leg onto the bolt that is sticking down in each corner of the
bottom of the base. Be sure to have someone helping hold the unit while you are attaching the leg. The
casting could break if bound or dropped. NOTE: It is best to attach the legs on one side first and then
lift the unit up level to attach the other side. You can also attach the legs on the back two corners
first and then the front.
Place the ¼” nut on the bolt that is located on the base of the unit and attach the leg to the bolt. Swing the
leg so that the foot of the leg is parallel with the 45-deg. angle of the front of the unit. Align the back leg
to match the front leg.
Be careful not to bind the leg when bolting onto the unit so that it does not break. The legs are designed
to face at a 45 degree angle so that they will face in the same direction as the slanted side of the face.
When the legs are bolted on and positioned where you like them, tighten the (4) four nuts. Make sure not
to over tighten the nuts and twist them off.
The Countryside Freestanding Stove may be installed on a combustible floor, with proper floor
protection, or on a masonry hearth. The hearth or non-combustible floor protector must extend a
minimum of (6) six inches in front of and (8) eight inches from each side of the ash removal door.
NOTE: If installing the 3502 (Insert Model) into a build-in application where there is not an existing
fireplace, you will have to install a non-combustible floor underneath and 6 inches out in front of the unit.
This would require a 2-3 inch thick masonry floor (the thickness of one brick) or ¾ inch thick rock board.