ADLINK PCI-7442 User Manual
Page 73

Register Format
WDT Load Config, Safety DO Setup/Read Back Registers
The PCI-7444 provides a 32-bit watch dog timer (WDT) with 10
MHz clock. The WDT counter loads the 32-bit value of two 16-bit
WDT_LOAD_CONFIG Registers in turn. The corresponding hexa-
decimal value you set determines the overflow time of WDT coun-
ter. The overflow time is calculated by the value that you set
multiplied 100 ns. The timer interval is from 0 to 429.496 seconds.
When the WDT interrupt asserts, you can set the system to send
out Safety DO value by setting the SafetyOut_Enable bit. When
WDT INT asserts, the system process may halt or be offline. This
function thus prevents untoward damage. You can configure the
default 128-CH safety DO values which are stored in the flash
memory. When WDT interrupt asserts and the SafetyOut_Enable
bit is enabled, the PCI-7444 enters the safety DO procedure which
sends out the default safety value to 128-CH digital outputs.
You can program the 128-CH safety default DO values by access-
ing the last WDTSafety DO Setup register in turn. After accessing
the last WDTSafety DO Setup register (BASE+0x34h), it takes
500 ms to finish writing the procedure to the flash memory. You
can check if the procedure is finished or not by nAction_Ready
Value Mapping (MSB----LSB)