Bernina 740E User Manual

Page 46

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Sewing on buttons

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Set the machine as illustrated. Lower
the feed dog. Needle position righi

Position the worK under the foot.
Place the button on the marked posi­

tion. lower the foot, adjust stitch width
to 'O' arid sew a tew securing stit­
ches. Adjust the stitch width (rv^rmal-
ly between 3 and 4). Turn the hand-
wheel to check that the needle goes
cleanly into the leM hole ol the button
(adjust the stitch width according to
the button), and sew on the buttort.
Adjust the stitch width to '0* and sew
a tew securing stitches. (2}

If a shank is required, place adarnmg
needle on top ot the button and sew.
(3) For buttons with 4 holes, sew
through the front two holes first (Ftg.
2). push work forward arxf ttien sew
ttuough the back two holes as des­
cribed. (3)


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