Bernina Stitch Regulator User Manual

What is bsr, The bernina, Stitch regulator

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The revolutionary Bernina Stitch Regulator (BSR) allows

you to master in minutes what used to require hours of

practice. Consistent free-motion stitching is now easier

than ever thanks to this patented Bernina innovation.



What is BSR?



Stitch Regulator

Versatile Stitching Effects

Straight Stitch—for freemotion quilting, thread painting,
bobbinwork, quilting, freehand appliqué, double needle
shadow work, raw-edge appliqué, Battenburg lace

Zigzag Stitch—for thread painting, freehand appliqué,
raw-edge appliqué, Battenburg lace

Three Interchangeable Soles

Closed metal sole—similar to Darning Foot #9 with
the needle centered and visible

Open metal sole—similar to Freehand Embroidery
Foot #24,with an unobstructed view of the needle

Large transparent sole—glides easily over fabric,
including bulky quilts (where the large diameter of
the clear sole compresses the batting, allowing easy
foot movement and needle visibility) and provides full
visibility of the stitching area.

Two Modes of Operation

Mode 1—needle stitches continuously; when fabric is
at rest, needle keeps moving up and down very slowly.
If stitching in place is desired, select Mode 1.

Mode 2—needle stitches only when the fabric is
moved; when fabric is at rest, no stitches are taken
and the needle comes to a complete stop.

Available on Several BERNINA Models

Standard on aurora 440 QE (Straight Stitch only)

Optional on artista 630 (Straight Stitch & Zigzag)

Optional on artista 640 (Straight Stitch & Zigzag)

Standard on artista 730 (Straight Stitch & Zigzag)

Optional on artista 200 as a purchased upgrade

(Straight Stitch & Zigzag)

© 2005 BERNINA of America, Inc.