Displays, loggers, and accessories, Logger/telemetry, Software – YSI PC6000 User Manual

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YSI Incorporated

PC6000 Software Operations Manual




610-D Handheld Field Display with Accessories


610-DM: 610-D with 128K of memory


610-DM: 610-D with 512K of memory


614 Ultraclamp, C-clamp Mount for 610


615 Leather Carrying Case for 610


616 Cigarette lighter adapter (powers and charges 610s)


617 Replacement Battery Pack for 610


6099: 610 to Female DB-9 (PC serial)


6097 Blank port plug for 610


6104 Replacement Charger Jack for 610


6042 Battery Charger for 610


6101 Portable Power Pack for 610 or sondes



1240: SDI-12 Logger for interfacing as many as 10 6-Series devices. Can also serve as RF
telemetry platform (RF radio, battery, interface cable, junction box not included)


1240B1: 7 amp hour, lead acid 12 VDC rechargeable battery


1240B2: 20 amp hour, alkaline 6 VDC battery (2 required)


1240AC: 110 VAC charger/transformer assembly, charges 1240B1


1240SO: 1240 Solar Panel Assembly, includes panel, mount, cable


1240SE: 1240 Serial data interface cable, connects 1240 to PC


1240JU: 1240/6 series Junction Box, provides input of multiple SDI-12 devices (standard
configuration is for 5 devices)

Note: For RF radio frequency telemetry system applications, contact YSI Customer Support @ 1-
800-363-3269 (USA) or 508-748-0366 or fax 508-748-2543.



PC6000: MS-DOS compatible communication, upload, plotting


610SOFT: Software upgrade for Model 610 D/DM


6920SOFT: Software upgrade for Model 6920


EW-DOS EcoWatch for MS-DOS Applications


EW-WIN EcoWatch for Windows (Use EW-WIN for 6-Series Applications)