YSI 610DM User Manual
Page 12

YSI Incorporated
Displays and Loggers
Some 6-Series sondes (6920, 6600 and 600XLM) have on-board memory and power.
These sondes can log readings to sonde memory for days or weeks at a time. You may
use the YSI 610-D or YSI 610-DM to setup one of these sondes for deployment,
disconnect the sonde and allow it to log readings on its own. Then use the YSI 610 to
upload files from the sonde.
The second application uses YSI 610-DM memory to store readings from any of the 6-
Series sondes. Since the readings are being logged to YSI 610-DM memory, sonde
memory and on-board power are not required. During logging, the YSI 610 can not do
anything else. While the YSI 610 can readily withstand short exposure to rain, it can not
be left out in the weather for extended periods of time. For these reasons, the YSI 610 is
best suited for short term logging applications.
The YSI 610-DM can log sample data directly to its internal memory from any 6-Series
sonde. Logging produces a file in the standard YSI file format, capable of being uploaded
to a PC and processed by EcoWatch for Windows.
NOTE: If you log files to the 610DM, only the parameters that are active in the Report
Menu will be available to the PC software. For example, if only DO mg/L is activated in
Report during logging, it will not be possible to later generate DO% values. This is
different from files that are logged to sonde memory where DO% would be available as a
calculated parameter in EcoWatch software. It is important to be certain that all desired
parameters are active in the Report Menu before beginning a 610 logging study.
When logging with the 610DM, the sensors will be turned off between logged samples,
affecting the manner in which the DO calibration should be carried out. First, when
setting up the sonde, the DO warm up time in the sonde’s Advanced Sensor menu is set
to the same value as the DO warm up time that is used to set up the 610DM logging
study. Second, After establishing the connection between the sonde and the 610DM, you
must turn on Autosleep RS232 in the sonde’s Advanced Setup menu. This can be done by
using Smart Terminal as described in Section 7.3, Communications . Third, proceed
directly to the Calibrate menu of the 610DM after Autosleep is activated. If you activate
Run mode, Autosleep will be deactivated. Follow the calibration procedures for DO as
described in Section 7.4, Calibration Mode. The calibration will occur automatically
after a countdown of the warm up time. Finally, proceed to the Logging menu and begin
the study as described below.
To begin logging with any sonde, select the Logging menu from the YSI 610 Main
menu. Four sub-menu choices are displayed.