User manual, English – XMART Optima 10K 2PH User Manual
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User Manual
20140714_ 6K-10K 2PH (EN)
- 17
There are some applications where 2 different input sources are used to power to the UPS. Main input source is usually
AC Utility and Auxiliary source could be a motor-generator. Main AC Utility offers a 120º phase shift between R, S & T
phases but sometimes auxiliary sources supply phases shift different to 120º, for example there are some 2 phases
motor-generators with 180º phases shift. Some other times, 3 phases motor-generators are used but phases connected
to UPS are not consecutive so phases shift is different to 120º UPS is expecting.
In those cases, when input goes from Main Utility to Auxiliary Source, UPS detects a phase shit change and depending
on configuration of function 03, an alarm 39 could be generated and UPS could go to battery mode to protect connected
load against a not adequate phases shift.
Usually factory setting allows UPS to generate 2 output lines with same phases shift than detected at input side. This is
done by Function 03 set as ATO (Automatic). Under this configuration, UPS will not allow changes in input phases shift
so if this situation is detected alarm 39 will be generated and UPS will go to battery mode.
If 2 alternative input sources with different phases shift will be used, UPS must be configured with MENU 03 as CP
(Constant Phase) instead of ATO (Automatic Phase detection). CP means UPS will fix output phases shift to a desired
value no matter what happens at the input. Under this setting UPS will allow changes input phases shift without
generating alarms.
Since under CP setting, input and output phases shift could be different, UPS will not be able to accept BYPASS modes.
BYPASS will be immediately disable by UPS when MENU 03 is set as CP. Any external BYPASS devices must be
removed by user to avoid potential short-circuits between UPS input and output.
Example of how to configure FUNCTION 03 for accepting 2 different input sources with different phases shift:
MENU 03 = CP 120º
This configuration will force UPS outputs to be shifted 120º in phase, no matter the phase of the inputs. In that way UPS
will manage any phase angle change at input without generating alarm 39.
** Deeper instructions to configure UPS in configuration section of this manual.